Agility Class

Under your guidance, your dog will learn how to navigate through a series of obstacles. Basic obedience is strongly recommended but a good recall is required. The progression of our classes is listed below.

If you’re just starting out you will want to enroll in a Beginners level class and then work your way through the levels in the order listed below.

Agility classes fill quickly. Fees must be paid one week prior to the start of class to reserve your spot. If fees have not been received, your place in class will be offered to the first person on the wait list.

To move to the next level class, it is required to receive the permission of your current Instructor or evaluation by the Director of Agility Training.

On the week before your last class you need to discuss with your instructor if you are  qualified to advance to the next level of training.

Car-Dun-Al ODTC

Shauna Levesque,

Level 0 Foundation Puppy Agility

This class is for a Puppy and handler who are just starting out.

Level 1 Beginner Agility

This class is for the dog and handler who are just starting out and introduces all contact obstacles at lower height, tunnels, jumps and weaves. Dogs registering for the Beginner level of agility must have completed a Car-Dun-Al 10-week Beginner Obedience class or have permission of the Director of Agility Training.
  • 10-week foundation puppy agility


  • 10-week class fee


  • 6-week class fee


Please note you must click on the “Finalize Registration” button after your registration has confirmed in order for the registration to be complete.

The following classes require the permission of your current Instructor or evaluation by the Director of Agility Training.

Level 2 Intermediate

This class begins to refine skills as dog and handler begin running longer sequences. Dogs must be comfortable on full height contact obstacles. This class is geared for students coming out of the Intermediate Class

Level 3 Intermediate II

This class is a bridge between Advanced and Beginner Competition. The class will be in the competition ring and is intended to provide a better transition into competition level classes.

Level 4 Advanced

This class is a bridge between Advanced and Beginner Competition. The class will be in the competition ring and is intended to provide a better transition into competition level classes.

Level 5 Competition

Dog and handlers will begin running competition courses. Dogs must be able to navigate a full set of weaves.

Level 6 Master Competition

This is continued training dog and handler that are showing competitively.

Skills and Drills

A 6-week class that focuses on obstacle discrimination, distance, handling and layering techniques, and particular jump configurations. Dogs must be at the Beginner Competition level of training.